Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Hey Smarty! Products Refund Policy:

- You have 30 days from the date of purchase to request a 100% refund. We will not refund after 30 days from date of purchase. In order to request a refund, you must submit your request in writing to by the 30th day from the date of purchase.

- I agree that refunds are permitted only if the refund request is made directly to Hey Smarty! within 30 days after purchase. I agree not to dispute charges with my credit card company unless I first request a refund in writing to from Hey Smarty! within 30 days after purchase and the company has not provided a refund within 15 days of my request.

- All refunds are discretionary as determined by us. If we determine that you are abusing our refund policy, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the program without providing a refund. Should you have any account questions you can email at any time.